How to File a Homeowner’s Insurance Claim

As hurricane season is now upon us we enter a risky time as Floridian homeowners. Many insureds are unsure about the process of filing a claim. Preparation is key when it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones. Before there is any need to file a claim you should take a look at your current policy. Review the declarations page to be sure you have adequate coverage. Check to see if your policy includes wind, also known as hurricane coverage. What are your deductibles? Larger deductibles lead to a lower premium but also result in a larger out-of-pocket expense. Make sure that you are able to afford the cost of your deductible in the event that you suffer a loss. Keep a list of telephone numbers for your insurance carrier as well as your agent, or add them to your cell phone contacts.

Another crucial component is to research your insurer. Financial stability is vital when it comes to homeowners insurance. After all, you do not want to be written with a company who does not have enough money to pay for the repairs your home may require. Strong financial backing can you provide you with confidence that you will be reimbursed for claims-related costs in your time of need. It is suggested that you are insured with a carrier who has an A rating or higher. Demotech is a useful tool to see where your current homeowners company falls in the grading system. If you discover that your carrier does not have a positive rating speak with an insurance agent to look into insuring your home with another company which has more stable funds.

If you suffer a loss, call your insurance carrier in a timely fashion. Provide the representative with detailed information such as what caused the damage, the location which is affected and when it was first noticed. Let them know if you can remain in the home or if it’s currently in a state where it cannot be occupied. Once the claim is filed you will be provided with a claim number and possibly the name of your adjuster. Typically you should hear from the adjuster within 24-48 business hours. They will call you to schedule a time to visit your home where they will asses the damage and compile their report. In the meantime, take photos for documentation and make temporary repairs to the home if they can be done safely. If have any claim-related expenses save all bills, invoices and receipts.

Filing a claim can be a very stressful and emotional experience. With the right preparation the whole process will go much more smoothly. Homeowners insurance is protecting one of your most important possessions so it is critical to be properly covered for when unexpected events arise. The best time to review your policy is before any losses occur. Feel free to contact Secure Harbor Insurance if you would like more information about claims or the filing process.

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